Lecture critique - Prévention des légionelloses nosocomiales par une meilleure gestion de l’eau : comparaison de trois méthodes de décontamination

fabien squinazi

fabien squinazi

Vice-président de la commission spécialisée « Risques liés à l’environnement » (CSRE) – Haut Conseil de la santé publique (HCSP) – Paris – France
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Lecture critique - Prévention des légionelloses nosocomiales par une meilleure gestion de l’eau : comparaison de trois méthodes de décontamination



Titre de l'article sujet de la Lecture critique A. Muzzia, S. Cuttia, E. Bonadeoa, L. Lodolaa, V. Monzillob, M. Corbellab, L. Scudellerc, V. Novellia, C. Marenaa. Prevention of nosocomial legionellosis by best water management : comparison of three decontamination methods. J Hosp Infect 2020;105:766-772 a-Direzione Medica di Presidio, Fondazione IRCCS Policlino San Matteo, Pavia, Italy b-Microbiologia e Virologia, Fondazione IRCCS Policlino San Matteo, Pavia, Italy c-Direzione Scientifica, Unitá di Epidemiologia Clinica, Fondazione IRCCS Policlino San Matteo, Pavia, Italy

Background. Since 2000, the National Health System has adopted international guidelines for assessing Legionella spp. In hospital water systems. The control of water contamination by Legionella spp. is still a matter of research concerning the most effective method in preventing nosocomial infection. Aim. To compare three different decontamination methods by monitoring colony-forming unit count and number of hospital-acquired legionellosis cases. A secondary objective was to evaluate the long-term effects of the preventive measures on the water pipes. Methods. A protocol was developed for the selection of high-risk sampling sites and for the testing of three disinfecting methods over the course of 19 years: hyperchlorination and thermal shock (period A, 2000-2005) ; copper-silver ionization (period B, 2006-2010) ; and integration of pre-filtering, filtering, pipe-protection products, and remote control with chlorine dioxide (ClO2)(period C, 2011-2018). Findings. The use of shock disinfection and hyperchlorination led to a decrease in contamination level immediately after the procedure, but then it rose again to the previous level in two months. Both copper-silver ionization and ClO2 showed a stable and durable decrease in contamination level. Throughout these three phases, six cases of Legionella spp. occured during period A, six cases during period B, and three cases during period C. With regard to the damage of water pipes, effective copper-silver levels caused corrosion and calcification in water pipes. Conclusion. Both copper-silver ionization and ClO2 properly controlled Legionella spp. contamination. ClO2 significantly reduced the number of positive sites (P<0,001) without damaging the pipelines.



Squinazi F. Prévention des légionelloses nosocomiales par une meilleure gestion de l’eau : comparaison de trois méthodes de décontamination. 

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